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Romford, RM1 3NH



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0740 465 2993




Dementia Care

Dementia is a general used to describe loss of memory, language, mood swings, remembering appointments and other thinking abilities. The signs of dementia starts of slowly and then becomes worse over time, Severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer is a common cause of dementia.

At TST Support Services provides a specialist nursing home for dementia and mentally challenged people. The sole aim is to give the best care and support to these people as well as their caregivers.

Stoke Care

Stroke is a severe condition and can be life threatening. It occurs when there is a decrease or blockage in brain’s blood supply. A person experiencing a stroke needs immediate emergency treatment.

This condition is serious that it sometimes leaves its survivors needing a long term support due to the injury left on the brain. Some people may need rehabilitation to get back to themselves and regain freedom, while others never fully recover and will need to make some adjustments like; like of supported living and constant professional stroke care.

Our care givers can help with everyday tasks like bathing, dressing, house chore, preparing meals, do laundry and more based on individual’s home care plan.

Participating in social activities is important in the recovery and support process of stroke. When a person feels ready for these activities, we work through it by engaging in conversations which also help in recovering the vocal functions.

Autism Care

Autism also called AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER (ASD) is a condition that involves problem with communication and behavior which affects a person’s daily life. At TST Support we have a large range of autism services which carters for the needs of our service users and guarantees a better and healthy life.

Through individual-centered care plan, we assist our service users in developing skills to help understand the world that surrounds them and through which confidence will be built and aspirations can be achieved.

Our Special Autism Services

TST Support provides a homely and secured environment with trained and skilled caregivers specially for the support and care of the people with autism. These specialist services we provide includes;

  • Access to employment opportunity.
  • Secure residential options.
  • Education opportunity.
  • Safe environment for innovative programs.
  • Supported living and community outreach transition services

Our Specialist Approach to Autism

We work hand in hand with service users and their families on how we can provide the best support for users as we are aware that interest and capabilities differs.

We always complete an initial autism profile for someone serving a Priory Adult Care service to help us better understand users’ interest, talents and strengths. It also makes caregivers understand in detail an individual’s condition and find cognitive abilities that may require focus.

In need of the best Dementia, Autism and Stroke service in your area? Check out our contact page.

We Offer Quality and Affordable Service To Everyone.

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